Monthly Archives: September 2021

Final step, doing our own bookcovers.

Getting back in the saddle with my writing career has involved picking up the reins on my past books (done), my work in progress (done), straightening out the mechanics of blogsville and social media (done and in progress respectively), re-establishing my blog domain (done) and finding where my bookcover artist went – or find a new one. Oh and finish writing book 3 (not done, but well on the way).

There is more to writing than meets the eye.

These necessities fall to me, it is after all my career, but as to the bookcover, I am joined by the love and light of my life, my husband Greg who is growing quite proficient in PaintShopPro and is happy to work the process while I get to do the fun stuff, pick the pictures.


Plot tangles untangled. Thank goodness for that!

Things are looking good, folks. I’ve had a chance now to go over my working files and notes, I can see my way clear to continue on with the 3rd book in the Khekarian series and I’m already making good progress. The tangles I had left myself have already been dealt with and it now just boils down to bum-in-chair-fingers-on-keyboard dedication. I’m on it!

Loving how this book is shaping up. The story is solid and pleasing (the humor catches me out as always, when I work with a character they really take over. That little monster Va’el rather steals the show in this one, I thoroughly enjoy working with him).


Re-uploaded The Khekarian Threat and The King’s Sacrifice + Price Drop!

Okay! I have read and re-edited both books so far in the Khekarian series. Both books have been freshly uploaded to Kindle and paperback. I have also changed their prices.

If you already own them on Kindle, I believe you can just freshly download them (it’s worth it) for no extra charge. If you have not already purchased them, my Kindle books are now going for USD$8.00 (down from USD$9.95) and my paperbacks are now USD$15.00 (down from USD$29.95).

Kindle seems to be up with these changes, one of the paperbacks not yet showing it, so it might be worth waiting a couple of days for that one.

If the price has changed, you know that the content has been upgraded too.

Enjoy, folks!
