
AD Everard 2014

Born in Canberra, Australia in 1958. Grew up all over Perth, Western Australia, and small town  Victoria before moving to England for nearly a decade. Returned to Australia in 1983 and in 1986 moved to the Northern Territory where many adventures took place, mainly against a backdrop of sub-tropical wilderness pioneering (we lived without a house and off-grid for nearly five years) and snakes. Currently living in rural Victoria with even more snakes.

Wanted to be a writer by the age of 8. At that young age, I spent most of my playtime and going-to-sleep time thinking up new endings to stories I had seen on television or read in books. By the time I was 12, I had learned that actually writing was a lot harder than just thinking about it, but I persevered. For decades.

In those decades as I learned my craft, I also put in a lot of hands-on research, from driving semi-trailers to flying ultralight aircraft, to crossing Australia by motorbike, from learning and teaching martial arts to practicing herbal medicine, I’ve done it all, right down to living without a house and off-grid in the subtropics of the Northern Territory, Australia.

More research took me into the realms of lite armed forces, weapons handling, medical procedure, criminal psychology, police investigative procedures, and many other things besides. I value realism above all else.

From the early days I’ve been an avid fan of astronomy, the moon landings (the first happening when I was 11) and the concept of science fiction. I wanted all of it in my stories. Science fiction itself I found dry and devoid of personality, but bear in mind my youth at the time. I didn’t want politics. I wanted adventure! I wanted excitement. I wanted planetary colonization and aliens that were different.

I began publishing the Khekarian series in 2012, the second book in 2013. Some years later, before the third book was completed I underwent a personal and spiritual crash-and-burn and ended up pushing away, shelving my work for a three year period while I rebalanced my life and perspective. God put me back on track, and with the commitment to continue and finish what I started came the realization that God loves passion. I write with passion. I create out of passion. I have a bond with each and every one of my characters.

I am now reinvigorated and have taken up the reins, perhaps not taking on so much this time (on the social-media front. That will come), but focusing very much on the stories yet to be told. Doing what I love to do. Writing.

I love books I can crawl into and live in for a time. Writing such books is even better. The Khekarian series has my heart and soul, my blood, sweat and tears interwoven throughout.

Amazon allows you a free preview. If you like characters with passion and realism, and are not put off by fictional sex, a touch of mysticism in a sci-fi setting (hey, both Star Wars and Star Trek have that), please consider taking a look. Decide before you buy.

Thank you, everyone. Cheers.

Allyson Everard


33 thoughts on “Bio

  1. Julie Israel

    Kudos on opening up comments 😉 I would say anyone with police training and a black belt in Kung Fu is no chicken! I imagine those experiences (as well as medical, psychological, and criminal studies) all round out your writing rather nicely, too. Go sci-fi!

    1. A.D. Everard Post author

      Hi Julie 🙂 Thank you so much. Yep, just about anything I ever took on was with my writing in mind. I’m fastidious about getting details accurate. It was all a lot of fun, too. Cheers!

  2. Nick

    Love these chats over WordPress. Accidentally unfollowed you trying to get to your about page via WP app, planning to comment on your latest once I’m at a computer, but just wanted to say its a regular delight.

  3. flygirl140

    Thank you for the follow! I am so glad that you have this section open for comments 🙂 your series sounds extremely interesting and I am in awe of the fact that you have written novels and had them published; my ultimate dream! I look forward to picking up your Khekarian Series in the future!

  4. azleader

    Occasionally, strangely similar paths in cyberspace intersect.

    You are in eastern Australia (I think), and I in the western United States. Yours and my paths crossed when you read my latest monthly sunspot report.

    Like you, I have attitude. Mine, though, takes on a different form. Disagree with me you are likely to be slapped across the face with data and irrefutable logic. I know my stuff! If you don’t know yours, you are gonna lose!!

    I write, but mine isn’t science fiction. It’s mostly tech, science and related politics. I’ve always been interested in space travel. My college degree is in physics and astronomy. In one life’s set of experiences, I was a planetarium director, astronomy instructor and lecturer.

    Sorta similar to you, I’m a wilderness landscape photographer. My territory is the western USA. You are adept at camping. I usually just sleep in my vehicle.

    I’ve had my fair share of snake encounters in the wild. I’ve both chased and been chased by big poisonous rattlesnakes to get their pictures. I’m not foolish. Stay further than 1.5 times the snake’s body length away and you’re as safe as being in a fortress:

    I have about 4,000 landscape images online… some a lot better than others.

    I like driving (mostly alone), am allergic to big cities and still keep my motorcycle endorsement current.

    Nice to meet you.

    1. A.D. Everard Post author

      Hi Azleader – Ah! An adventurer after my own heart! Great to meet you.

      “In one life’s set of experiences, I was a planetarium director, astronomy instructor and lecturer.” I drooled over this, I must say. How wonderful! And adventures with rattlesnakes, too (good tip on keeping yourself safe from them).

      I LOVE the photos at your sites you linked to. Your snake pictures are gorgeous and your landscapes staggeringly beautiful! I wish I had half your talent.

      I see you have stumbled upon the retelling of my humble adventures. The photos were taken with a camera and film, the photos then somewhat deteriorated in the humid conditions, but they are the best I’ve got from my time in the wilderness.

      I love your attitude. I particularly loved this: “Disagree with me you are likely to be slapped across the face with data and irrefutable logic. I know my stuff! If you don’t know yours, you are gonna lose!!” In this day and age, an attitude like that is ESSENTIAL. 🙂

      I’m very interested in the data and the logic that exists in honest science. I am interested in what the sun is doing and in what seems pretty sure to be a coming chill. So I’m very pleased to have found your blog and have added it to my favourites for ready referral. Now that you have given me a couple of other sites, I will add those too! 😀

      I’m very pleased to meet you. Cheers!

      1. azleader

        I’ve been interested in the sun and it’s influence on weather and climate for as long as I can remember. My grandfather, a Kansas farmer who never went to high school, fascinated me how he could predict the weather just by looking at the clouds in the sky.

        When I went to university I was taught that the radiant energy output of the sun did not change. In fact, it was called the “solar constant”. With satellite instrumentation we now know the sun is a weak variable star that plays a roll in long-term climate change.

        I’m not always prmpt, but I usually write a monthly sunspot report after the newest sunspots counts come out.

        In answer to a comment about the “pause” in global warming in my newest article, I left this response that summarizes my interpretation of the data on what the sun’s influence might be in the next couple decades or so:

        Sunspots 2014: Case for a weak Dalton Minimum


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