Tag Archives: science fiction series

The galaxy is a BIG PLACE.

Sure is! I have lots of action in the Khekarian series, a rich assortment of characters and different worlds, three dominant species of being in control of much of it, and a fourth coming into the picture – there’s a war on (isn’t there always) between two of the three civilizations and a small planet in the peaceful Terran Sector -humans- may end up being the pearl of the galaxy.

The Khekarians are fishing around, they know what’s there. They want what’s there to aid their war effort.

Two books of the series are written and printed. I’m having another look at those after a three-year hiatus. It’s good to see them fresh and new as though I am a new reader and not the author. These ARE being tweaked and will be re-uploaded. No major changes and none at all to the plot – just better for me being able to see those few patches that jar. The third book (unpublished) will undergo the same treatment and follow the first two, and then I can get on with the next.

It’s happening and fast, but it takes time to pick up the pieces, to know where I’m at and to move forward again.


The lost books that weren’t lost.

When my publishing house went down (roughly when I did three years ago), I lost access to my account and the sales at Amazon – I couldn’t access my published books, I couldn’t edit, change the price, or even order my own copies at cost.

It added an extra weight to my own personal crunch and the whole became too much, at that time, to deal with.

Now here I am, up and running again, refreshed and eager, and I discovered to my surprise that my publishing house had not collapsed into nothing, but had morphed into something else and although my account was useless, it was still there to transfer across into the new format.

Voila! This has been done, and hey presto, just like that I have access to my own works again. Both books are live on Amazon and always were. I can fully access them again. I don’t need to start over, I don’t need to have the whole series finished before I venture out again – I can start up where I left off and NOT keep anyone waiting extra long for Book 3.

I’m currently reading through everything I’ve got so far to know what I have and what threads I need in hand to carry into the rest of Book 3 and the rest of the series. Liking it so far with very little tweaked in correction.


Update – All but Done.


Yes, I am still here – I owe you guys an update on my progress with The Bastard Line, book three in the Khekarian series – My humble apologies for having been away so long, many things have happened in my life, but for now I will report solely on the manuscript you have been waiting for.

The slash-and-burn process is over and out of the way (thank goodness). No more chopping and changing, no more starting over or chopping things in half or reshaping the book. All the major pieces are in place and so is the flow, the character development is great, the story holds together very well and – best of all – I LIKE IT.

Finishing touches are going in place and needed polishing is being done (albeit heavily in some places). Yet to come is the stand-back-and-see-what-it-looks-like-to-a-reader, the read-through. My Beta-reader has been standing by for ages and is eager to get into it. He won’t have to wait long… and neither will you.

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Tippy-tap, tippy-tap.


Nose down, rear up, tippy-tap, tippy-tap – Yes I’m at the computer and typing like mad – Just letting you know I’m alive and well and still making progress although it must seem to some as though “nothing is happening”.

I’ve had to push through a few barriers and re-size The Bastard Line (Book Three of the Khekarian series) – twice! This is on top of the life-upheavals we’re still going through, although progress is happening there too (resettling into a new location interstate takes longer when doing it one partner at a time).

Once again my apologies to all for keeping you waiting, it was never my intention. While I would love to blog more regularly, my best bet at the moment is to remain locked into my work until the book is done. The best I can do is pop in occasionally to let everyone know I’m still here, still working and supply a publishing date when I know what it is!

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The Love of Naked Paper. I’ve got it Bad.

Nothing excites me more than naked paper – I love paper, I have reams of office paper, stacks of notebooks – small, large, lined and unlined – I have tiny ones that fit in a pocket, larger ones by my bedside, even some that stay in the car and I always – always – keep a fresh supply stashed somewhere in my desk. I have lever arch files of loose-leaf foolscap that I take with me on long journeys and a small regularly assaulted stack of used envelopes out in the open on my desk.

What was that? Used envelopes??? Yes, that’s what I said. Even a used envelope is a source of naked paper, in fact the first thing I reach for in this orgy of paper is often a discarded envelope I have “rescued” and stashed for later use.

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At least I remember to put them on!


In the past, I’ve gone out with my top on backwards and never noticed it until I got home, and I almost went out once wearing my slippers.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not addlepated – or maybe I am – I’m not sure. No, it’s just that I have my mind elsewhere, I live in other worlds, other dimensions. All illusionary, certainly, I admit it’s all made up. But that’s the lure.

I can pick and choose everything – any adventure, any background, any set of heroes and enjoy with them all their challenges and successes. I can ride the waves of excitement, travel the galaxy, explore the unknown, then come back and write about what I’ve discovered and the feelings I’ve experienced.

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Getting back to normal… Whatever that is. And a Thank You also.


The last eighteen months or so have seen some huge upheavals in my life as my husband prepares for his retirement – an interstate move into a new location, forced separation so far lasting over a year, and all the uncertainty that comes with the whole shifting and changing of our financial concerns as we move from one way of life to another.

I guess that sums it up pretty well and it’s no wonder my writing has been greatly thrown out of whack.

So… What of the science fiction series I am writing?

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Unintended Delays.

I suddenly realized that I have been subconsciously delaying posting until I could deliver a publishing date for my third book in the Khekarian series, The Bastard Line, with the unfortunate result is that nothing is being posted at all, and that – once again – it looks as though I have fallen off the edge of the planet or given up or something.

Nothing could be further than the truth. It is true my world is currently still unsettled with an interstate move largely sorted but a house still to sell and an enforced separation to endure until the sale goes through. Added to the early delays that robbed me of six months of writing, the overall setback to this book is something I admit to being quite uncomfortable with. Nevertheless, work is progressing with most of the book finished, so really it shouldn’t be long now.

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Yes, I’m creating where it counts.


Just letting you all know that I have NOT run out of steam, I have NOT run out of inspiration nor imagination nor creativity – the (albeit lengthy) delays in getting book 3 of the Khekarian series completed and published has nothing to do with lack of willpower or energy but everything to do with the circumstances that cropped up during this last year, including moving house interstate.

With the manuscript itself, there were some early issues, all successfully dealt with now. I am currently writing my fingers to the bone and I’m heading towards the final run.

So, please forgive me for not blogging and chatting which I said and believe I would do, but I really want to see this book completed and to be free to start on the next one.

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First Day of Winter for a Writer (and when the heck am I going to publish Book Three?)

1st day of Winter

1st day of Winter. Photo taken from my back yard 2015.


We had snow on the ground here in our new home in the mountains – a lovely sight to see and a promise of things to come – a good feeling, despite the water pipes frozen solid twice (and not defrosting until mid afternoon).

The house is frequently cold, but that’s to be expected in the early days as we sort out new curtains and carpets, clothing and fuel. A kero heater in my office makes a big difference and so do socks, a scarf and a hat. I have fingerless gloves for typing in, although they feel cumbersome so I rarely use them.

Yes, I’m still typing away and my latest manuscript in the Khekarian series (The Bastard Line) is growing and taking good form. At last the various issues I’ve had with it and the multitude of delays seem to be behind me.

I expect to publish towards the end of the year. This latest book has coincided with an assortment of events that have held me up. The break I took after writing two books back-to-back and an unexpected illness cost me the first six months, which was half my allotted time right there with not a word written. On top of that there have been minor emergencies, delays and the most important move interstate. It’s been a very busy time.

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