Monthly Archives: July 2014

Carnivores in the Dark – True Life!


When the dingoes came around that evening, I was alone. I was stranded on a hillside out in the middle of nowhere with no vehicle, no torch, no weapon and no retreat. My husband had taken the car to go and get a caravan, which would be our temporary home, leaving me by the side of the road with an open trailer of our belongings and two cats to look after.

He was already hours late and the dingoes arrived as the last light was going out of the sky. They moved fast and silently, using the dirt road as their track, not a yip, not a bark, nothing. They were a pack on a mission.

I saw them coming and stood up, not sure what my best option was. They detected me at the same moment. I knew that because, although they kept coming and did not change their pace, they slipped off the edge of the road and disappeared into the dense foliage on the side opposite mine.

I never saw or heard them as they circled around me and kept going. I know they kept going because I would see them again, on other days, coming from the other direction. But on this night, I did not know what they intended or where they went.

Then the night landed for real, and out there, when you’ve got no shelter at all, no light, no distant glow from civilization, and not even a box of matches, you are very aware of carnivores in the dark.

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Imagination the Great Implementer.


There is no progress without imagination – None – Every innovation has come about because someone sat and thought for a time and worked out how something might work, then figured out how to create it.

From making fire and designing the wheel, all they way up to skyscrapers, computers and landing on the moon, imagination has been the thing that made it happen. It’s the most powerful tool we have. Hand-in-hand with manipulation, it’s a most destructive force used against mankind, but used kindly and openly, it’s our greatest provider.

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Be one of 4 lucky winners to win an autographed paperback of The Khekarian Threat!

I haven’t got the date yet, nor indeed the question (such things are in the hands of my Competition Organizer), but I can tell you that the answer lies somewhere in the first four chapters, which are FREE TO READ RIGHT HERE:

You can get a good head start and won’t have to panic read on the day. Shhh! Don’t tell him I told you!

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“ONLY ONES THAT KILL.” – from The Khekarian Threat, out now on Amazon.

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It all looked so opulent, but then that’s what a Bastion was about. Aleisha didn’t care what a Bastion was about. She wanted off this ship. Even here, in this huge generous room, he was too close.

“Sit down.”

She dropped into one of nests.

Sturn chose a place opposite her, making Aleisha want to run again.

“You’re frightened of Khekarians?” he asked.

“Only ones that kill.”

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A Book is So Exciting – A Series is Even Better!


Every story takes you on a journey. You will know roughly what sort of journey it will be, although you won’t know exactly where you will end up, nor what surprises await you, just that you are guaranteed a journey – The story and characters both might be bumpy or smooth, with twisty curves and great heights, or dead straight and direct – but whoever you meet and however long your journey is, reading a book and delving into worlds, adventures and situations unfamiliar to you is an adventure to be savored.

That, to me, is what makes picking up a book so exciting. You just don’t know what gem you might discover or what lasting impressions it will leave you with.

If you love the action you were thrown into and the people you encountered, then the adventure is even better if it is part of a series. Yes, you enjoyed the ending, the story closed, but there’s more yet and that’s got to be the greatest thing of all – seeing another doorway offering more to discover.

It won’t be the same journey but a new one, and this time you have a clue what the terrain will be like. This time you will be traveling with friends.

That’s my definition of a good book and a good series.

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Writing Your Book, but it’s Taking Forever!


So, your story’s not written yet. It’s been years now, and that’s bothering you – Guess what – THAT’S NORMAL!

It takes time to master the writing skill. If you write regularly, you will see your improvement over time, but whether you write regularly or not, improvement will never stop. Growth and development is ongoing and unlimited.

It takes time to get to know your characters. You’re dealing with a lot of people, all of them different from each other. You not only have to discover and portray their personalities but their backgrounds and goals as well. That information will not arrive neatly packaged and at once.

It takes time to get to know your story. As different characters develop and interact, your story evolves. Main areas and scenes might be all worked out, but how they connect and combine adds new flavor and complexity. It takes time for a story to mature and become all it can be.

It takes time to write your book. Deciding or discovering how to express your words, your story, your characters and plot, spending hard time at the keyboard doing it, working it, refining and editing – ALL OF THAT TAKES TIME!

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SUCKING IN THE FEAR – from The Khekarian Threat, out now on Amazon.


“What did Sevi tell you?” He still spoke quietly, but Aleisha could sense him sucking in the fear that rolled off her in great waves, relishing her anguish. He terrified her. She’d been given no time to prepare, no room to evade, no chance to think. Her answer betrayed her panic as she fought to come to terms with this sudden situation.

“Nothing, she just… ambushed me!”

“Kristi, then,” he said. “Someone made you scared of me.”

“No one. I’ve only met her. Sevi. I thought you were some kind of monster in the city. I saw, but I didn’t know you were Khekarian.”

Sturn analyzed her answer. “Saw what?”

“What you did.”

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A Breath of Fresh Air – I Don’t Do Human Hatred!


In my sci-fi series, I do have wars, I do have contention – I have murder and threats and all the bits that get the heart pumping (a happy-ever-after story that’s happy-ever-after right from the start is nice, but there’s no challenge) Humans thrive on challenge, we want villains to overcome, we want something to strive for that will make us feel like heroes.

What I DON’T have in my science fiction is self-loathing. I don’t have the perverseness of hatred for all things human. I don’t portray the human animal as a blight upon the world (any world), nor human intelligence as some kind of disease.

We are as we are, as God or Nature intended us to be. I don’t do fear-mongering. I don’t do propaganda. I don’t use story-telling to create guilt in my readers. You’ll find my writing racy and fun and exciting. You might even find it a breath of fresh air.

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We Need Them.


Why are stories so important? Why are fictional characters and their worlds so gripping?

They’re all just ideas and pretty words on paper, right? There’s plenty of important stuff going on in the world – and there are writers and dreamers just wasting their time, pretending that imagination is important.

And yet… we all need them. Most of us read, most of us love to get lost in a tale and step away from the routines and the mundane, from the problems and the woes of our lives. We all escape into stories – movies, books, games – whatever form they come in. We’re driven to.

It must be important. Even in our sleep, there are stories.

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THE THREAT IN THE ROOM – from The Khekarian Threat, now out on Amazon.


Aleisha saw Sevi teleport away and then, with the woman’s influence gone, quickly looked to the threat still in the room.

Sturn turned his leisurely attention to her, this time taking a full account. Aleisha saw what he saw, heard his thoughts and tried to close herself down.

Small, cute, scared. He liked the combination, but wanted more.

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